Going into the second month, it is a sweet deal mixed with bitter and sour emotions. The first month may have gone in discussion & confusion for some when pregnancy was unplanned & you were taking the decision of whether or not about the arrival of the new life. The first week was all about sleepless nights and nausea, the second week will be about increased appetite. Know all you can about the second month of pregnancy. The second month of pregnancy will be very similar to the first month. You might have food cravings or aversions, and mood swings. You might no longer enjoy the taste of alcohol or the smell of smoke, which is good because these substances can be harmful to your growing baby.
This article will educate you about information of second month of pregnancy fetal development, second months pregnancy symptoms, precautions to be taken.
Baby Development 2nd month of pregnancy
- Facial features continue to Ear begins as a little fold of skin.
- Tiny buds that will grow into arms and legs are forming. Fingers, toes and eyes are also
- The neural tube – from which brain, spinal cord and other neural tissue of the central nervous system created is well formed
- The digestive tract and sensory organs begin to develop
- Bone starts to replace
- The head is large in proportion to the rest of the body at this point.
- At about 6 weeks, a heartbeat can usually be
- After the 8th week, doctors refer to it as a fetus instead of an embryo.
Symptoms of 2nd month of pregnancy and how to overcome
With the baby, the mother can feel herself going through changes too.
Bodily changes:
- The baby bump is now a little more prominent than before – start stocking up on those maternity clothes.
- Breasts are tender growing larger and there is some sagging.
- You can feel your bum grow a bit along with pelvis and waist. This is one of the symptoms of pregnancy and, your body will be back to its original – Wear a loose-fitting bra and massage your belly region with olive oil & vitamin E whenever possible.
- You may feel the pressure of urination at its best at frequent intervals.
- Your appetite has increased. This is totally normal. Do not worry.
- You can have water at some intervals but it is highly recommended that you have water-containing fruits and soups which will keep you hydrated & also give you minerals or other nutrients.
- An increase in the volume of blood and the hormone can lead to swelling up of the veins, making their bluish-red color more prominent.
- Avoiding a long stretch of sitting in the same position or standing up for long hours will help the varicose vein.
- Light exercising will be useful. Compression socks provide temporary relief.
- Sleeping sideways reduces the formation of these veins so sleep sideways when possible.
- You need to consult your doctor if none of the above solutions seems effective.
Food cravings:
This symptom manifests itself mostly because your changing hormones along with the nutrient you are deficient in trigger your brain to act crazy. From sweet to bitter, your cravings can be ridiculous and strange at the same time. The best way to overcome this situation is to think of healthy alternatives whenever possible.
Mood swings:
Two months into the pregnancy, it is very normal for you to experience some mood swings. And you are most certainly not alone in the situation. Sometimes you will be cheery & at other times irritable, and everyone will be overwhelmed by your extra sensitive reactions. One ideal way to overcome your mood swings is to sleep it off and engage in a proper diet & also remember that it’s your changing hormones & not other person’s doings. However, contact your doctor right away, if your symptoms persist and lead you to self-harm thoughts.
Activities in 2nd month of pregnancy
You are going through mood swings, changes in your hormones, work tiredness, anxiety, etc. & also juggling with several activities, especially if you are a working woman. You will also have to do regular work out and checkups, and plan things for your baby’s arrival, while what you want to do is rest and have sufficient sleep.
- Fruits can be a great breakfast source and a good way to start your day, watermelon to oranges and apples, pomegranates, bananas, and grapes include at least three fruits in your daily diet.
- Your balanced diet should include essential vegetables as well. Don’t skip the greens.
- Folic acid is an important nutrient in this phase. It is necessary for the child to avoid any neural tube problems.
- Dairy products should be present in daily diet. You cannot take calcium supplements as a substitute for taking milk, other sources should be explored to help develop the bones and teeth enamel of a baby.
- Multi-colored vegetables & more green leafy vegetables are important sources of vitamins, minerals & especially iron.
Eat correct:
- Have home meals over junk food.
- whole grain products over refined sugars.
- Fresh over processed foods.
- Fruit juice or buttermilk over coffee and tea.
- Eat plenty of nuts, dairy products, sprouts, veggies, and fruits.
Of course, sex is always welcome to improve intimacy between couples, especially when pregnant. However, with the mood swings, tiredness and nausea, sex will probably not occur right away to you. For some women, making love is fun, as there are no more birth control pills or condoms involved. Your baby is comfortable in the sac and chances of miscarriage and unlikely.
Tips to overcome stress during 2nd month of pregnancy
- Get the amount of rest suggested by the doctor. This month is crucial for your baby’s development and you need to do all you can to support baby’s growth.
- Make sure there is always healthy food stacked in your kitchen.
- Go for regular checkups to avoid stress about how baby’s health.
Tips and precautions for 2nd month of pregnancy
- Be wary of your changing center of gravity. Try adjusting to your new position.
- Make sure you cut out entirely on all alcohol. Since your baby was still developing.
- Avoid eating anything raw that can prove to be harmful, like fish, meat, eggs, and unwashed vegetables.
- Drink only pasteurized milk.
This should be a happy time for you. Each pregnancy is unique and chances are what other women faced won’t be your scenario at all.
Staying fit during early pregnancy
- Staying healthy and fit when you’re pregnant is one of the best things you can do for yourself & baby.
- Getting up and moving around will help you feel better.
- Walking, swimming, yoga, and slow dancing all are good exercises now.
- It’s good for mood and sleep, too.
Be sure to check with your doctor first before starting any exercise program.
Creating an exercise plan
- The goal of any exercise this month is moderation.
- Try to exercise for 20-30 min. each day.
The purpose is to maintain overall health while keeping you and your baby safe.
- Health benefits of exercising from early pregnancy
- You’ll sleep better
- Improve your mood
- Reduce stress
- Keep weight off before and after delivery
- Walking while you are pregnant helps you to burn that extra fat so that your baby has enough space to develop and grow inside the uterus.
- Walking on lawns, parks, houses, terraces, etc. helps you to maintain your health.
- Walking is the best cardiovascular workout now.
- All you need is a comfortable pair of supportive shoes, and be ready to build endurance.
- Aim for a moderate increase in your heart rate & start at a comfortable pace before gradually increasing your stride.
- Known to be a safe full-body exercise, it combines cardiovascular benefits with muscle-building for arms and legs. Dancing As long as your dance routine does not include jumping, leaping, or twirling, feel free to keep moving to the beat of your favorite music.
- Pregnant women love yoga for its ability to tone muscles and improve flexibility without placing stress on tender joints.
- Avoid poses that ask you to lie on your back.
Medical treatment and checkups
Regular medical checkups during pregnancy are called antenatal checkups. Write down all queries you may have, your doctor will answer all your concerns & guide you to a healthy pregnancy.
Generally, the pregnancy check-up schedule is as given here, but in individual cases, your doctor may suggest more visits.
- Weeks 4 to 28 | 1 prenatal checkup visit a month
- Weeks 28 to 36 | 1 prenatal checkup visit every 2nd weeks
- Weeks 36 to 40 | 1 prenatal checkup visit every week
When a mother doesn’t get prenatal care, her baby is three times more likely to have a low birth weight, remember that your baby’s health depends on these visits & care you take during nine months. During your first prenatal visit, your medical history will be recorded, and a general health check-up will be done. Your blood pressure, weight, and height will be recorded to calculate your body mass index (BMI). The systemic examination will be done to rule out any pre-existing heart or respiratory-related problems
Folic acid is an important vitamin supplement and it is highly recommended to take folic acid supplements during your first 3rd months, it helps to prevent neural tube defects in the baby.
Ultrasound or Sonography
You will have your first pregnancy ultrasound scan between 6 to 8 weeks. It checks
- If the baby is at the right place or not
- Know the accurate due date
- Know the reason for any spotting or bleeding
- Show how many babies you are carrying.
- Hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time is the most exciting part of an ultrasound.
Blood Tests / Urine Test :
- Blood group, Rhesus status
- Complete Blood Count Includes Hb %
- Serum Creatinine
- Vit B2
- Vit D3
- Rubella IgG
- HB electrophoresis
- Urine Routine & Microscopic
- Thyroid function.
- Thalassemia.
- Blood sugar – Random blood sugar or Fasting blood sugar for Diabetes
A Urine Test
For protein (a sign of pre-eclampsia) Urine infection
Pelvic exam and cultures
- If your Pap smear isn’t up to date, that will be done to check for cancerous or precancerous changes in cells of the cervix.
- You may also have a culture to check for chlamydia or gonorrhea.
An overall first prenatal visit is an important milestone for having a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Pregnancy Myth & Fact
1. Myth
The family will insist on keeping a big secret about the pregnancy in the first trimester to safeguard the mother and child from the “evil eye” and prevent miscarriage.
1. Fact
The first three months of pregnancy are a little risky for miscarriages, but there is nothing like an “evil eye” to cause a miscarriage!
2. Myth
Having sex during pregnancy will result in miscarriage.
2. Fact
Only in complicated or high-risk pregnancies, abstinence from sex is advised. Otherwise, a pregnant woman can have sexual relations as long as she is comfortable.
Jump to your Month of Pregnancy