At 7th month of pregnancy, you are at the thirteen weeks of pregnancy. This is the third trimester of pregnancy. This trimester is also very crucial for the baby and your body also starts to accumulate fat.
This period is very important for you and your baby just like the first trimester of pregnancy. It is this time during which your baby is fully mature and you feel that you will soon deliver and hold your baby in your arms.
Your body is changing and rapidly becoming big. In the 7th month of pregnancy, your body is making some real adjustments to make your baby feel safe and comfortable.
Understand and accept your bodily changes
- Your breasts are
- Your body is
- Stretch marks have started to
- You have put on weight around your
- Accept and enjoy these little joys of motherhood!
Here are some of the changes you should be aware of :
There would be some kind of discomfort and you will find it difficult to move and walk. You will also feel pressure on your belly, legs, and bladder. Your hormones make you more sensitive and you may have periods of highs and lows. Your appetite might increase to help the baby, grow faster and gain more weight. Fatigue, nausea, and tiredness will be back again. So, it is advisable to follow measures to keep you fit and ensure that the baby’s development is positive and healthy. You need to avoid some basic things and take care of certain situations to ease stress and ensure healthy childbirth.
Baby Development 7th month of pregnancy
- During this month, your baby will continue to grow and develop the existing organs and systems.
- At this point, hearing is fully developed.
- Your baby changes position frequently and responds to stimuli, including sound, pain and light.
- The amniotic fluid begins to diminish.
- A layer of fat will begin to be stored.
- At this stage, hearing is fully developed. Your baby will react to sound, pain, and light and often changes position.
- The amount of amniotic fluid that cushions the baby begins to decrease as the baby grows larger.
- During the seventh month, the lungs are now capable of breathing air, and therefore, a baby born at this time has a reasonable chance of surviving with intensive care.
- Baby spends maximum time doing rapid eye movement while asleep.
- The baby gains 230g (about half a pound) every week during the eighth month of pregnancy.
Symptoms of 7th month of pregnancy
Due to the ever-growing belly, you will of course feel discomfort and find difficulty in performing even the daily chores. Watch your weight as this plays an important role in maintaining your back issues. Keep a watch on your daily diet plan and do your prenatal exercise daily. It is that time now when you have started to bond with the baby in your womb. You will cherish this feeling throughout your life.
Some symptoms your body will show:
Frequent urination:
Your baby is now 11 inches and causing more pressure on your bladder, causing frequent urination.
Have more liquids – fruits, soups, and dal, as they will help you curb your urge to run to the bathroom frequently.
Breasts and colostrum:
Breasts will get enlarged and become heavy, veins on the breasts are more visible and the areolas get darker. There is the secretion of clear fluid from breasts called the colostrum, your body is preparing itself for the upcoming event – wear a loose-fit bra and frequently massage the belly portion with oil. Massage with olive oil with added vitamin e to prevent the skin from stretching.
Braxton hicks:
You will start experiencing false contractions – Braxton hicks contractions at 7th month, there is nothing to worry about them. They help you prepare real labor contractions.
With an oversized belly, constantly moving the baby within causing minor pain, and gaining excess weight is hard to manage. The changing of hormones and switching moods can also make you feel clumsy. Difficulty in sleeping and fatigue. Take power naps in between the routine work. Relax whenever you get a chance.
Nasal troubles and snoring:
During pregnancy, you may have nose blocks, which is due to an increased supply of blood in the mucous membranes.
During 7th month, be aware of every activity that is not good for your baby or you, this period is critical and we have to avoid any chance of premature birth. Work at home and also the work you do outside should be done with full care. Be careful and aware of excess bleeding and abdominal pains. They could be signs of false labor, and if so you need to contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Pregnancy care at 7th month of pregnancy
1. Continue eating balanced food containing
- Whole grains
- Vegetables and fruits – multi-colored seven to eight servings
- Dal-pulses-sprouts-nuts, eggs-lean meat – 3 servings
- 2-3 servings of milk/milk products
- Salt, sugar, oil/ghee- very less quantity
2. Magnesium
It helps your body get the calcium it needs. Almonds, berries, and beans are rich sources of nutrients.
3. DHA:
DHA helps in the proper functioning of your child’s brain. It is present in foods like eggs, milk, fruit juices.
4. Omega 3 fatty acid:
Make omega 3 fatty acids are also an integral part of the diet from natural sources like almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, fish etc. For healthy functioning and baby’s visual growth.
5. Folic acid:
Folic acids are also one of the important nutrients to be allowed in the hygiene for the betterment of the child.
6. Meat:
While lean meat is more preferable in pregnancy, though other meat also should be consumed but in proper proportion.
Exercising might make it easier for your muscles to flex. This, in turn, will get your readier for delivery more easily.
Wall push ups
- Stand up facing a wall.
- Keep your knees comfortably apart.
- Place your hands on the wall at the level of your shoulders, and wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Bend your elbows and lower your chest until your chin reaches the wall.
- Keep your back straight.
- Return to the starting position.
- Gradually work up to 15 repetitions.
Squatting on an exercise ball
- Squatting during labor — even for short time — helps open your pelvic outlet and creates room for the baby to descend.
- Practicing squats now will make it easier to squat during labor.
- You can try squats on a fitness ball.
- Stand up straight with a fitness ball behind your back and against the wall.
- Your feet are about shoulder-width apart.
- Slide down the wall until your knees reach a 90-degree angle, and keep your heels flat on the floor.
- If you can’t bend your knees to a 90-degree, go as low as you can.
- Return to the starting position.
- Work up to 10 repetitions.
Back twist in Sukh Asan
- Sit cross-legged.
- Place left hand behind, fingers facing back.
- Place right hand on left knee.
- Twist to the left side, looking over the left shoulder.
- Reverse direction.
- Repeat five times on each side.
- Sit with feet together and knees open.
- Drop knees apart and hold for a count of 10.
- Pulse legs up and down 10 times.
- Hold ankles and lean forward
- Use elbows to ease knees apart.
- Sit cross-legged with your back straight.
- Raise both arms on sides at shoulder level with palms facing upwards.
- Breath in raise them above your head with arms touching your ears.
- Stretch the whole body and arms upwards and count from 1 -5.
- Breath out and bring them down.
- Repeat 5 times.
Cat and camel
This exercise improves the alignment in the body. Due to this, posture improves, in the spine and shoulders.
Cat and camel exercise during pregnancy can also improve the posture of pregnant women and reduce issues of back pain.
- Go on all fours with your hands and your knees. Wrists aligned, with shoulders and knees in line with hips.
- Engage core, keep back flat, and spine neutral.
- Take a deep breath, breath out pull the spine up, pull the belly button to the spine keep core engaged, and pull your chin to the chest. (this pose is like a cat stretching).
- Inhale, relax the belly and arch the back. Lift your head.
- Continue back and forth from cat to camel and connect the breath with each movement.
- Inhale while in the cow pose and exhale while in the cat pose.
- Repeat this for 10 rounds.
Swimming can also be good for losing extra weight and maintaining the proper weight.
Patterned breathing
The proper pattern of breathing helps you in good sleep and is very useful at the time of delivery. Breathe in when your stomach comes closer and out when you push back your stomach.
Yoga is an all-time good exercise for your body and mind. The elasticity of your body is as necessary and so is the relaxation of your mind. Yoga can help you with all of these.
This exercise gives you all the flexibility you need. You can stretch anywhere, do it safely to your own limit, and always do it consciously.
Brisk walks:
Take occasional brisk walks every day to keep your body flexible and active. Do not sit for longer hours. Make sure you are not stuck to a single position and posture for a long time.
Sleep well
During this month, you need extra sleep. Avoid sleeping on your right side. Instead, lie on the left side.
Sleeping posture
- Lie on your left side.
- Support the head – but not the shoulders – with a pillow.
- Lower legs should be kept straight.
- Bend your upper leg at the knee by 80 – 90 degrees and place it on a pillow which is supporting your abdomen.
- Keep upper arm relaxed.
- Comfortable position to relax during pregnancy and at the time of labor.
Getting up from sleeping to a sitting position
You might think the most obvious and easiest way is to lean back on one arm and push yourself up, but raising yourself this way could damage your back.
The correct way is to:
- Roll on your side.
- Bend your knees.
- Take the support of arms and pull yourself up.
Do’s and don’ts for a safe pregnancy
- Remember to take your folic acid and other prenatal supplements. They are very important for a healthy baby and a safe pregnancy.
- Staying active goes a long way. If you keep sitting for a long time, it can be unhealthy for you and the baby.
- What you eat has to be carefully chosen. Since everything you eat has an effect on your body.
- Keep a track of your baby’s movements. The movement is a sign that the baby is doing well.
- Mental health is important too. Talk to people, listen to music and do things that will cheer you up.
- Smoking is really bad for the baby and can clog up the lungs.
- Do not think twice to quit. Alcohol can adversely affect the development of your baby’s brain.
- Don’t lift any heavy things, take the support of your family and friends. It’s time for you to relax so do not take on extra responsibilities.
- Do not slouch, though you will always get tempted to slouch and bend due to ever-growing bumps but avoid it.
- Take care while climbing stairs, take the help of railings when you climb up and down the stairs and take stairs for reaching higher floors.
Tips to overcome stress during the 7th month of pregnancy:
- Now is the time to focus on the things you need to work on the first thing after your little one is out in the world. Make a list of those things.
- Be very patient and try to focus on the good things there are. Sit with your husband and discuss your fears and concerns, sharing with him which will help you to calm down.
- Sleep well and make sure you get enough rest for yourself. You cannot keep others’ needs first in the seventh month when the baby is soon due.
Medical treatments and checkup
Medical checkups will be as routine as before there would be some more tests to see the position of the baby-
Medical check-up
- Blood pressure
- Weight
- Abdominal examination
Ultrasound scan
Growth and fetal well-being scan are done to know the baby’s growth
Baby’s size is understood by measuring
- Head circumference
- Tummy circumference
- Length of baby’s thigh bone
- Depth of amniotic fluid around the baby
- Measurements within normal limits mean your baby is doing fine
- These serial scans help to track the baby’s growth and take appropriate actions as required
Pregnancy Myth and Fact
Myth: If the tummy gets hairy, it’s a boy.
Fact: Increase in male hormones during pregnancy lead to hair growth on the belly. It has nothing to do with the baby’s sex.
Myth: If the baby is born at night time, he will be awake at night.
Fact: Birthtime has no relation to the sleeping and waking times of the baby
Remember to hold on to a positive outlook and make daily care a priority
Happy Motherhood
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